IDC – Genetic and immunologic weaknesses in patients with life threatening COVID19
Cari Italians in DC,
ci auguriamo stiate tutti bene!
Il freddo inizia a farsi sentire, ed il COVID-19 purtroppo incalza tenacemente, Italians in DC vi invita ad un evento informativo dal titolo:
Genetic and immunologic weaknesses in patients with life threatening COVID-19
Ospiti e speakers:
Dottoressa Ottavia Del Monte
Ottavia was born in Asti, in the Piedmont region of Northern Italy. In 2003 she graduated with Honors from the Medical School of the University of Torino with a thesis on “Immunomodulatory effect of anti-HIV medications”. She did her first residency in Pediatrics in Italy. Despite her training in general pediatrics Ottavia has always been interested in studying the molecular basis of genetic disorders of the immune system. For this reason, in 2008, she entered a PhD program in immunology. She did most of her research as a PhD student at Harvard Medical School and she defended a thesis on the molecular mechanisms of Hyper-IgM syndromes. She went back to practice as a clinician at Boston Children’s Hospital (Harvard university) in 2012, where she finished her training in Immunology in 2017. Currently she is assistant research physician at the National Institute of Health where she takes care of patients
with genetic disorders of the immune system and she does research on molecular basis of primary immune deficiency. For the past 6 months she has been heavily involved in research on COVID 19 both from the clinical and the bench research perspective.
Ottavia has been married with Dr. William Sheehan for 11 years and they have 3 daughters (Isabella 10, Clara 9 and Caterina 6). They live in Bethesda, MD. She loves classical ballet and classical music. She also enjoys wine tasting and performing arts in general. Coming from the Alpine area of Italy she is a passionate downhill skier.
Dottor Andrea Lisco
Dottor Andrea Lisco, MD, PhD is Assistant Clinical Investigator at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda. A Medicine graduate from the University of Bari, Italy pursued a scientific career with a PhD in infectious Diseases Sciences from the University of Padua in 2004 and a post-doctoral and research fellowship in the National Institutes of Health until 2011. Dr. Lisco completed his clinical training with a residency in Internal Medicine at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio in 2014 and Fellowship in Infectious Diseases at NIAID/NIH in 2017. He is currently an independent associate clinical investigator in the Laboratory of Immunoregulation at NIAID with particular scientific focus on primary immunodeficiency and immunological failure in HIV-1 infection.
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Quando: Mercoledì 11 Novembre 2020
Orario: 6:00-7:30 pm
Dove: ZOOM link
RSVP entro 8 novembre a: aperitivo@italiansindc.com
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